E-Stub Instructions
Click Here for instructions
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Pay Check Drive Thru Pick Up This Friday – Posted April 22nd
On Friday April 24th, we will again be handing out checks in valet as we have for the last two pay periods. Simply pull up to the Valet entrance and there will be a security guard there to check your badge, retrieve your check and hand it to you without having to get out of
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Michael Gaughan – English COVID-19 Memo – April 20th
I am making one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my lifetime. On May 3rd most of you will be furloughed for an indefinite period. You should immediately file for unemployment. I believe, after having lengthy discussions with my Chief Financial Officer, Payroll Manager, outside Certified Public Accountant and company attorney, by
- Published in Employee Information
Michael Gaughan – Spanish COVID-19 Memo – April 20th
Estoy tomando una de las decisiones más difíciles que he tomado en mi vida. El 3 de mayo la mayoría de ustedes serán cesanteados por un período indefinido. Deberían solicitar sus beneficios de desempleo inmediatamente. Luego de tener largas discusiones con mi Director Financiero, Gerente de Nómina, un Contador Público Certificado externo y el
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Furlough FAQs – Posted April 20th
Furloughed Frequently Asked Questions How much will I receive in unemployment benefits? You will receive 60% of your average weekly wage, including tips up to $469, plus an additional $600 per week in Federal Covid-19 Stimulus money. For this reason, we believe our employees are financially better off being furloughed, rather than receiving 32 hours
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Furlough FAQs Spanish – Posted April 21
Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Cesantía ¿Cuánto recibiré en beneficios de desempleo? Usted recibirá el 60% de su salario semanal promedio, incluyendo propinas de hasta $469, más un adicional de $600 por semana en dinero Federal Covid-19 Stimulus. Por esta razón, creemos que a nuestros empleados le conviene más financieramente estar cesanteados, en lugar de recibir
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Actualización De Propiedad
Aunque no tengo mucha información para proporcionar en este momento, quería establecer contacto con todos. Estamos trabajando en varios plazos posibles para reabrir, pero no tenemos ninguna confianza verdadera en una fecha real. Quería proporcionar un par de actualizaciones. • Todo los empleados a tiempo completo por hora continuará recibiendo 32 horas de pago, además
- Published in Employee Information
Property Update from Ryan Growney, General Manager
Although I do not have much information to provide at this time, I wanted to touch base with everyone. We are working on several possible timelines to reopen, but do not have any true confidence in an actual date. I did want to provide a couple of updates. All full – time, hourly employees
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All Part Time Employees
We have now finalized our Part Time Employee plan during this closure. All Part Time Employees currently on Benefits will be moved to Full-Time status and receive the 32 hours of pay per week. All Part Time Employees that have worked more than 96 Hours since February 1, 2020 will receive 10 days of severance
- Published in Employee Information
Closing Procedures
As you all know, the Governor of Nevada has ordered the shutdown of all “non-essential” businesses for a minimum of 30 days, which includes all casino properties. The updates on COVID-19 are changing daily as well as its impact across our local community and our country. We continue to closely monitor the situation and follow
- Published in Employee Information